SEPAME2 is a systematic approach in the collection of developmental data derived by different L1 background adult learners attending language courses at the Modern Greek Language School of the University of Athens. During the previous academic year (2014-2015), 94 learners have been monthly followed since the very first day of their entrance in the School Language Program up to the very last day of their final examination. Therefore, SEPAME2 is already one year old and, though not funded, has set the basis for a new experience leading to the compilation of systematic learner data, written and oral, as well as providing opportunities for a real use of the language. In the current academic year (2015-2016) SEPAME2 is being expanded by following 300 new language learners, so that their data will be elicited and processed in the same systematic way and learners will be more benefited by the extra writing and speaking practice offered by our team.